Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Welcome to the 2012 class!

Coral Reef Biodiversity and Conservation
Instructor and Class Information
Time & Place: Science 327, Weds 8:30-10:00
Instructor: James Reimer
Office: Science 353
URL: http://ryukyucoral2012.blogspot.com/
Office hours: Anytime except Wednesdays

1. Use mainly marine invertebrate examples.
2. Explore how to understand diversity, using modern techniques.
3. Explore conservation and issues with coral reefs. 4. Basics of climate change and human impact on reefs.

1. Understand why coral reefs have high importance and diversity.
2. Understand new coral reef research.
3. Understand basic DNA techniques (and others) and how to use them in conservation.
4. Understand the threats coral reefs face from anthropogenic and climate change problems.
5. Have fun!

1. Mid-term presentation (in groups of 2-3 people): 60%.
2. Final test: 40%
You must pass both in order to pass the class.

Text, reading, references:
1. Nothing necessary, but you will do better by reading suggested readings.
2. I may take questions from suggested readings.
3. Posted on blog and at end of each class.

1. No attendance taken.
2. No copying or cheating.
3. Drinks and food in class OK, but be respectful.
4. Questions anytime OK.
5. Take notes!

Cheers, JDR

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